If you're new to TOOLS FOR TEACHING there is no better introduction our strategies than this free book.


How to get your students to do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it - in-person and online.

Preferred Activity Time (PAT) is at the core of Tools for Teaching's motivational strategies. You will learn to use incentives to answer the one question that student's need answered before they'll cooperate – "Why should I?"

Not only does Motivation in a Virtual Classroom clearly explain the concepts behind PAT, it also breaks down the adjustments needed to implement PAT in a virtual classroom - including a whole new way to earn bonuses!

Wasted Time Becomes Learning Time

A typical class period is not on task until five to seven minutes after the bell rings. In addition, a typical lesson transition takes five minutes. Common to both of these situations is dawdling. Students are expert time wasters. They have no vested interest in hustle. They know that as soon as the transition is over they will go back to work.

Preferred Activity Time (PAT) teaches the entire class to save time rather than waste it. It insures that students are on task when the bell rings, and it gives the teacher 30 second lesson transitions. These two items alone can add 10 minutes of learning time to a 50 minute class period and spare the teacher the stress of nagging. PAT teaches the students to cooperate using simple and easy to implement incentive systems.


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Motivation in a Virtual Classroom

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Fred Jones Tools for Teaching


Motivation is only part of Tools for Teaching. Our discipline and instruction techniques focus on the prevention of behavioral issues, reducing teacher stress, and student success. Change your classroom with our practical and easy to implement strategies.

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